Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another very true (but sad) thing...

Yet one more story to add to the growing arsenal of life experiences that prove to me I can no longer escape the label "completely uncoordinated clutz."1 Today the weather was lovely and it felt like fall. So, I decided to go for a walk/run. I ran about 1/2 a mile and promptly twisted my ankle. I have iced and wrapped and iced and taken anti-inflammatory pain killers and my stupid ankle is just completely fucked up.

I. Am. A. Clutz.

I hate being this uncoordinated as it is a pain in the ass (er, foot?) and makes me feel like I'm just a spastic crazy person. However, the sad conclusion is that there is simply nothing I can do to change this trait. I have tried to calm down/walk more carefully/will myself into graceful coordination/go to yoga to improve balance/other anti-clutz stuff and nothing works. I was walking very carefully today. I am just not good at walking or running or remaining uninjured in day to day life. Also, I hit a parked car yesterday in the Starbucks parking lot. Sheesh.

1 Other stories in this list include, breaking my foot when walking, breaking my hand when walking, nearly cutting off my fingertip when shutting a door, and breaking my toe when walking (well, that time I was pretty, "breaking my toe when walking under the influence" is more accurate). Also, sorry for the footnote explanation. I'm drowning in thesis-writing at this point and therefore footnotes seem the most logical method of explanation of related facts.

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