Friday, September 12, 2008

How to become a musician. Or, Satie says (quote of the day)...

"How does one become a musician? It is quite simple: one finds a teacher - a music teacher, if possible. One chooses him carefully, attentively, severely. One agrees a price. At this point, I prefer to tell you, one should not get carried away. An hour is quickly up, yes, one agrees a price, but...a good price...for oneself - moderate...yes. . . .

Next one must buy a metronome. Above all, one that is not too ripe...nice and plump...a little that works properly. There are metronomes that work out of madmen. There are even ones that do not work at all.

The pupil must have a lot of patience - great patience - the patience of a horse, a big one. For it is useful to get used to putting up with the teacher. Just think, now: a teacher! he asks things he knows already & which you do not know. Obviously, he is taking advantage. . . ."1

1Quoted in Erik Satie A Mammal's Notebook, ed. and trans. by Ornella Volta, 132.

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