Monday, October 27, 2008

Wagner says (quote of the day)...

In general, I'm not a Wagner fan. He takes himself far too seriously and I just don't think an opera should ever last over five hours. Really, four is too much. Even three...

Anyway, even though i appreciate and like some of his music, his prose is the worst offender. His writing is over-worked, egocentric, and then there is the whole hating women and Jews thing... In short, it's just a little too German for me; and I've never been a fan of sauerkraut...or beer for that matter. So despite all that (and thanks for bearing with me through the rant), I came across a quote today while doing some research that I think is worth typing and reading a time or two. It's from his 1850 publication, Opera and Drama (what else is there, really?).

"Man is in a two-fold way a poet: in his beholding and in his imparting. His natural poetic-gift is the faculty of condensing into an inner image the phenomena presented to his sense form outside; his artistic, that of projecting this image outwards."

Definitely food (bratwurst perhaps?) for thought.
Vielen Dank, Richard

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