Saturday, November 1, 2008

Coming down with the flu means...

Missing out on an entire Saturday, battling feverish aches, losing one's lunch (or at least one's dinner from yesterday as I've yet to really eat "lunch" today), and endlessly perusing the many corners of the internets to distract oneself from general misery. On the last front, thank god it's the weekend before the presidential election as there are political musings a plenty to digest. I found this quote from Andrew Sullivan on his blog, "The Daily Dish," ironically pertinent.

"The more I think about it the more this election day feels like one giant collective, global puke. That Bush-Cheney thing never quite settled with us, did it? We'll feel a lot better but a lot more tired once the last heave is over."

Oh, and, I won't be offended if you spray down your computer screen with Lysol after reading this post...

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