Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Leavin' On a Jet Plane...

Exactly three weeks from right-this-very-moment I will be sitting in an airplane heading to the good ol' U.K. to spend some quality holiday time with the sister. (Question: Is it "in" or "on" an airplane??? I feel "in" is more technically correct...but then again, you're definitely "on" the plane...)

I love planes.

These are my favorite airplane playlist songs:

There are a few random songs on here that i'm slightly embarrassed to have included (i.e. gwen stefani, the dixie chicks, and clair de fucking lune). Just know these songs remind me very personally and specifically of very personal and specific plane rides. Judge not lest ye be judged. Also note, despite the title of this post, I will never actually listen to "Leavin' On a Jet Plane" on a jet plane. I'm morally opposed.

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