Sunday, March 1, 2009


The recession is merciless. It seems it is stamping out what was left of the already badly beaten record store industry. Here's to the end of the end of an era.


Lauren said...

End of an era, indeed. Them record stores, they are a dying breed. Though I have to confess: I work maybe 300 feet from that store, and I never ever went there. It's expensive and crowded and just generally speaking a giant pain in the ass (<-- the sentiment that is killing record stores -- I know). BUT, that said, Union Square will not be the same without it. It will be weird.

c.e.w. said...

Oh, and speaking of record stores in which you spent a bit more time, did you hear CD Source is closing (or maybe already closed, I'm not sure)? Now THAT is the end of an era...

Lauren said...

Whoa, no, I did not... I heard about CD World closing but holy shit! I'm not surprised really, but that's definitely the end of an era in Dallas...

Lauren said...

I just confirmed with my friend who works at the Source: not closing. Just CD World... which was also kind of an icon in its day.

c.e.w. said...

Thanks for clearing that up! I guess I should learn to check my sources before spreading gossip recklessly around the interwebs, hehe.