Sunday, February 22, 2009

Here's a song for you, %&$@#& $%&@#$!!!

Everyone needs a teenage-angst-filled song now and again that uses every curse word your mother told you not to say...and then some. So, because upbeat music with an angry message can make you smile whilst at the exact same moment providing you with the perfect lyrics for a giant "Fuck You!!" to The Man or The Universe or that boy (or girl), you should listen to this:

The Sarcastic Dharma Society's
cover of Meyercord's Shit On My Heart.

Oh, and to be clear, I'm not remotely angry at anyone or anything at the moment. I'm just sharing. Because that's what friends are for. So, fold up this song and put it in your back pocket and save it for a rainy day. It just might come in handy.

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