Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Healthcare debatable debacle (red state diaries seen and heard)...

I've been taking a bit of a break from blog land this month. What have I been doing, you ask? Well, in short, sleeping, drinking, and reading way too much about health care reform. So, Monday morning I decided to take a break from the sleeping and the drinking and participate a bit more actively in the debate. Texas senators Pete Sessions (R/Douchebag)and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D) met Monday morning in Dallas for what is believed to be the only bipartisan congressional debate on health care reform this month. As expected, the Texas republican party organized a protest outside the building where the debate was taking place. Along with my sister and a friend, I joined the "Silent Majority" counter-demonstration that (just FYI) had about twice as many people than the not-so-quiet minority against reform.

The whole thing was pretty peaceful. The pro-insurance reform demonstrators wore white shirts and marched quietly in a circle. A few of the anti-insurance reform people shouted a bit. My favorite was when a lady yelled at me and my friends, "Hey, you should be smiling. Hey, sheeple! Smile!" Sheeple? Odd.

We also got, "I hope you don't get cancer someday!" Um, er, thanks? Likewise, I'm sure.

But by far my favorite moment came when I took a break from the demonstration for a minute to run to my car. I was walking behind some Republican ladies holding "Say No To Obamacare!" signs and wrapped head to toe in American flag wear. I heard the following excerpt from their conversation...

"Well, I am really lucky right now because I'm still on my husband's insurance plan and he's got a good one that covers me too."

Yes, lady. You are lucky. Here's hoping your husband doesn't lose his job. I imagine if that happened, and you didn't have a job, you just might be interested in a public healthcare option that wouldn't deny you based on any pre-existing conditions...

Maybe not, but I'm just sayin'...

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